Although Canada is famous internationally for having a completely public system of health care insurance, this is not an accurate portrait of the actual situation, as any Canadian citizen knows. Every provincial government does in fact provide a health care plan for its residents, but coverage is limited. Only certain medical expenses i.e. physical examinations by doctors, hospital fees, and particular types of emergency care are eligible, leaving Canadians to ponder other health insurance options.
The first step in determining which plan is best suited for your needs is to find out exactly what your provincial government does and does not cover. Although all of the provinces furnish a fairly similar health care program, there are slight differences. Your private insurance policy should cover what is missing in your provincial plan, whether buying as an individual, a family, or as the owner of a small business. Private Health Insurance Options for Individuals Balancing the coverage of your against the monthly payments (premiums) is the key to choosing a plan that is right for you. For some services you might have partial coverage which would include a percentage of the cost of the service. Dental insurance coverage can generally range from 50% to 100% overage and varies for different dental procedures. If you can afford to pay slightly more to obtain more coverage, the extra cost may me well worth it. If an emergency occurs, you will find yourself paying unexpected expenses in any case, so more extensive coverage will help to ease your financial worries at a critical moment. Self-employed people should be especially diligent in securing appropriate health insurance since they are without an employer to provide health benefits such as a group plan. Health Insurance Options for Families Although you may be tempted to skip buying insurance for yourself, relying on the partial coverage that the provincial government provides, it will give you an increased sense of security to buy a family insurance policy if you can afford it. The rates for your children will likely be significantly lower as the cost of insurance generally increases as you get older. Small Business Health Insurance
It is important to find an insurance company that can furnish the amount and type of coverage that your company needs. You may want to limit yourself to one variety of coverage – for example, dental insurance – or you may want to add various other features, such as hospital stays, vision care, extended medical care, services from medical specialists, accidental death and dismemberment benefits, disability and travel insurance. Click for more information about small business health insurance.
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