Before choosing the perfect health insurance plan for you and your family, you must learn about the basics. It is important to differentiate between indemnity and managed care plans, and to understand the way the premiums work. Premiums
The most important step to take before choosing a health insurance plan is to figure out its total cost to you and your family. This especially holds true if someone in the family already has a serious health condition. Deductibles For instance, if there is a $500 deductible, the individual must pay for the first five hundred dollars worth of health care expenses before the insurance company begins to pay for services. Indemnity With indemnity plans, the individual pays a pre-determined percentage of the cost of health care services, and the insurance company (or self-insured employer) pays the other percentage. The fees for services are defined by the health insurance providers and vary from physician to physician. Usually, there is a deductible to pay each year (starting from around $200) before the insurer can provide coverage. Once you meet the deductible, however, most indemnity plans pay a percentage of charge for covered services. The benefit of an indemnity plan is that you will be offered a greater choice of doctors and specialists, hospitals, and any other type of health care specialist (i.e. psychologists, social workers, massage therapists.) Therefore, individuals have the freedom to choose their health care professionals. Managed Care In other words, managed care plans have agreements with certain doctors, hospitals, and health care providers to give a range of services to plan members at reduced cost. The benefit of this plan is that you will have less paperwork and fewer
out-of-pocket expenses if you select a managed care type plan. There are three types of managed care plans: